Thanks to All Eyes and Ears, you will learn everything about the mysterious and powerful relationship between music and cinema.

Performing live on a wide variety of musical instruments, both traditional and bizarre (like the sax-watering can), two actor-musicians demonstrate how music creates mood, tension and atmosphere as they accompany and appear in custom-made films. Perceptions of scenarios – romantic situations, pursuits, manga and musical comedy, to name a few – are altered by varying musical arrangements. Audiences will come away from this playful, gently humorous show, not only amused and entertained, but with a new perspective on the power of music.


All Eyes and Ears Official Teaser Fringe 2024

”The demonstration is brilliant, with the precision of a goldsmith and often tinged with humor. A film concert, coupled with an interactive and informative show, not to be missed”Françoise Sabatier Morel - TT - Télérama – Weekly TV, Cinema & arts review.

"Brilliantly wacky, inventive, absurd and at times plain bonkers, this is one of those wonderfully quirky shows that educates by osmosis, leaving you happier and wiser at its clever conclusion.  Superbement divertissant!" Tim Wilcock - Fringe Review 

"It is a glorious multimedia experience, combining screen and live performance seamlessly with impeccable timing and absolute artistry. And it’s also side-splittingly funny [...] They were my favourite show of this Fringe and possibly one of my favourite gigs ever". Triona Scully - ***** - North West End

"The show is certainly informative, but much more than that it is clever, funny, and highly entertaining [...] Impossible to leave this show without a smile." Alan Cranston - **** - Three Weeks 

”This performance is brilliant, it’s a very eye-catching audiovisual feast that interests all ages! The charm of this piece is that the format is also very new. I look forward to seeing original performances like this again at the Guilin Art Festival”. Tang Jiyun - Guilin Evening News (China)

”A poetic gem that challenges our certainties. Can we see beyond the scenes presented to us? The music, the sounds and the actors' performances take us beyond the on-screen images into an off-camera world. As the multiple branches of the story unfold, the different possible meanings are revealed, And the tenderness that emerges throughout the show overwhelms us. For although we can't say exactly why, we know that this is a love story…” Florence Miroux, writer. "Le laboratoire des écritures”

”Full of invention, surprise, poetry, magic, humour. Subtle and tender homages, to all the beautiful things in life ; to cinema, to the stories that make us feel alive.” Catherine Aymerie, actress and Michel Favard, director

With Jean-François Hoël and Hervé Mabille
Director - Christine François
Music - Jean-François Hoël and Hervé Mabille
Filmaker - Christine François
Manga - Joséphine Gobbi and Gaspard Hoël

Production : Zic Zazou Company
With the support of le centre culturel Abbaye de Saint-Riquier, le centre culturel Léo Lagrange d’Amiens, le conservatoire municipal de musique et de danse d’Ivry-sur-Seine, la communauté de communes Nièvre et Somme, l’école de musique le Diapason à Amiens et le ciné-club de Velizy-Villacoublay.
Avec le concours financier de la Région Hauts-de-France, du conseil départemental de la Somme, Amiens Métropole, la SACEM, et la SPEDIDAM.

Photos copyright : Jérôme Halâtre
Design poster copyright : Gaspard Hoël

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