La Clique - création 2016

Extraits de LA CLIQUE de Zic Zazou

And a bandstand on stage

Alternately brass band, battery(drum kit) of drums or rock band, a labor clique (pipe band) reinvests an old kiosk(pavilion) abandoned to evoke its life of brass band and its collective dream there.

Conviviality, banquets, parades, parties and ceremonies, fit of bad temper, strokes(angry outbursts), and knocks of hammers, enamel their musicians' life.

They assault the rusty kiosk, snuggle up there in a organic way, and transmute him(it) in huge musical instrument. As the matrix of the orchestra, this poetic object becomes carousel(merry-go-round), castelet, monumental clock, musical box and zootrope. It rings of any wood and creaks in his(its) joints. 

In the continuation of its street show "The kiosk... or the forgotten brass band ", Zic Zazou pays tribute in the bandstand, firstfederative place of the musics of street. They celebrate all the humanity in a musical, generous and creative show. Around a scenography full of resources and vector of imagination, and through a tonic and inspired direction, we shall find here all the knowledge of the group Zic Zazou: the music of brass band in the broad sense of the term, the sound object, the choral singing, the poetry, and always the humor...

With Michel Berte (bass etc.), Patrice Boinet (drum kit, percussions, etc.), Pierre Denis (trumpet, clarion etc.), Alain Graine (trumpet, clarion, etc.), Bruno Hic (trombone, clarion bass etc.), Jean-François Hoël (saxs, clarinets, clarion bass, etc.), Hervé Mabille (sax alto, clarion, accordion, etc.), Frédéric Obry (guitars, etc.), François Trouillet (Pyrotechnic effects, etc.)

Director Hervé Germain

Scenography - decoration Stéphane Fauchille

Creation of instruments and sound objects Alain Graine, Bruno Hic

Music Pierre Denis, Jean-François Hoël, Hervé Mabille, Frédéric Obry, Alain Graine

Light creation Gilles Robert

Sound creation Jean-Luc Mallet

With the support

La Drac Nord Pas de Calais Picardie

Le Conseil départemental de la Somme

Théâtre Les Docks de la Ville de Corbie

La Maison de la culture d'Amiens

Le Forum et la Ville de Chauny

Le 9-9Bis, le Métaphone et la Communauté d'agglomération Hénin-Carvin

Le centre culturel Jacques Tati d'Amiens

Sicalines (Producteur tourneur)

la Spedidam et l'Adami

Zic Zazou is supported by le Conseil régional de Picardie et la Communauté d'agglomération Amiens Métropole.

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